Congratulations on achieving your first 'career' job. Now you need to make a success of it.
Now you need to understand everything you need to know about work that no one ever tells you
Experienced businessman Mark Blayney gives you practical advice, often learnt the hard way from his own mistakes, to give you the edge at work and the confidence to make this the starting point of your successful career.
Mark helps you learn:
• A dozen key Dos for getting off on the right foot in your first few months (and some absolute Don'ts)
• How work really works, and how to manage yourself and your co-workers
• What your boss really wants from you, and how to give it to them
• And even how to say No to your boss (and when it's a good career move)
'The only book I could find on making a great first impression and being successful in your first job.'
'Ideal for nervous new starters.'
'Explores everything you weren't told about your first job.'
Whatever your job, you've been hired as a manager: of yourself, your work, your career.
So start your management training today - read Succeed in Your First Job today.
Mark Blayney has had a career in business rescue and turnaround in the UK and Africa, including a role at PwC which included training new entrants.
He now has a portfolio of interests as a partner in a private equity firm and a business restructuring consultancy, is CEO of a manufacturing business, and director of a publishing house, as well as being a respected business author.