A programmer must... 1. Never create or distribute malware. 2. Never write code that is obfuscated or intentionally difficult to follow. 3. Never write documentation that is intentionally confusing or inaccurate. 4. Never reuse copyrighted code unless the proper license is purchased or permission is obtained. 5. Acknowledge (verbally and in source code comments) the work of other programmers on which the code is based, even if substantial changes are made. 6. Never write code that is deliberately inefficient with the intent of later claiming credit for making efficiency improvements. 7. Never intentionally introduce bugs with the intent of later claiming credit for fixing the bugs, or to stimulate the uptake of later versions. 8. Never write code that intentionally breaks another programmer's code for the purpose of elevating one's status. 9. Never hide known obstacles to a project's completion during any phase of development, especially the design phase. 10. Never dishonestly downplay the difficulty of completing a project. 11. Report any illegal activities of the employer. 12. Never defame the profession.All Rights Reserved