A lot of people have asked me if they can use my speech for something they are doing. Here is my answer: Yes, but use it to make a real difference. Don't use it for homework or for extra credit. Use it to make a statement. Read it to your whole school, announce it at the state fair, share it on your Facebook and Twitter, and get the message out. I didn't write this speech to pass a class or to get a good grade.
I wrote this speech because I was the kid everyone was bullying. (Read My Bullying Story for more details)
So get the message out there. Tell your friends and stand up against bullying, because it isn't worth it. Stop your friends when they pick on the little guys, stop people from tripping the new kid in gym class, and any other time you see someone being bullied, just go stand by their side.
It's easy to feel safe when you have a bunch of friends, but when the whole school is making fun of you, you don't have anyone. Be that kind of friend, and help that kid out. So for all the people who want to use my speech, go ahead, but take something away from it other than a grade or passing a class. Actually learn from it, and try to show everyone you meet that bullying is wrong.
Thanks for all the support. :) I really love that people love this :)
• Devil born to be evil could only be healed by an angel, his angel•
She was an introverted, reserved girl. Pushing herself to high school with never got noticed by the crowd. It never seemed difficult. Neither was she a scholar nor was she in the category of bad ones. Obeying rules came easily. Learning new things never bothered her. She got decent grades in her studies but never bothered to participate in any other activities.
He was fond of anything that had no concern with studies. He hated books, from football to boxing even excelling in dancing. He was excellent in everything, not even liking studies yet he managed to be the topper of the school.
They were two polar apart! She was the definition of a good girl while he came under a bad one. She never got noticed, he could never be ignored. Kind was she! Rude was his nickname. Was any chance of these two colliding with one another? Pretty much yes! One competition, yes mere one competition and it changed their life.