COMING SOON! 2021 When you know why you like someone, its a crush. When you have no reason or no explanation, its love. The ones hardest to love are the ones who have never been loved. And the ones who have never been loved are the hardest to love. ... "I promise I'll heal you, just please let me try!" She begs as she crys. "You will only fall apart trying to fix me." He says with his back still turnt to her. "I'm already scattered into pieces." She says firmly with such self hatred in her voice. Her words somehow called out to his blackened heart. A sound so dreadful yet sang a melodious tune to his soul. He has never met anyone who knew the exact pain he feels inside, until now. He turns to face her, "then let's destroy ourselves trying to heal one another." "Will our love be forever?" She looks up at him with her teary eyes. "Yes." He assures her. "There are ninety-nine obstacles but we'll always need just one reason why."