We are often told that we need to go to college or university in order to succeed in life. No, I'm sorry that's wrong. We are ALWAYS told that you MUST go to a college or university. While that may be true in this day and age, we simply don't have the power to refuse. Or do we? Unless of course you don't. And that's fine.
It's simple. We are being instructed to live the same boring cycle that consists of getting an education, a job, a career, then die. Who do we live for anyways? Certainly not for ourselves nowadays...right? I can't be the only one who thinks and feels that way.
While it is possible to still be happy and successful even without a degree, it certainly doesn't come without its many enduring challenges, unfortunately. Especially when your culture is all about getting a top education. After all, nothing in life comes free.
So imagine the stress of carrying this burden by yourself, the reason that you are forcing yourself to be in this skin tight bubble is because you are desperately trying to please society, instead of yourself. It never gets easier. But it does when you and your best friend decide to drop out of college together.
Maybe. Just maybe.
Best friends forever....right?