65 million years ago dinosaurs roamed the earth in their natural habitat, all they knew or lived by was instinct and survival of the fittest. All this life ended when Mother Nature decided the world was in need of a change. These creatures were soon laid to rest. They became extinct and their descendants thrived. The dead are supposed to stay dead, that was not the case. John Hammond, a arrogant, flamboyant and idealistic dreamer who discovered the way to clone extinct animals from blood-sucking insects. Don't let this old man fool you, for his motives to go against civics he was in it for the money. The man was more concerned for the safety of his animals than the workers who put their life on the line while dealing with these animals. He was set on making his dream a reality. Fate had other plans, and the development of the park took a turn for the worse. Hammond did his best to hold onto his dream, only it to be ripped from him as people left him or started to die from his company's creations. He was soon left with nothing, all his plans had been eaten away by his own creations, his dream became an idea. An idea that he couldn't make happen. "Dinosaurs and man, two species separated by sixty-five million years of evolution have just been suddenly thrown back into the mix together. How can we possibly have the slightest idea what to expect?"-Alan Grant What they definitely did not expect was the development of Quirks. Superpowers that made the past look like the dark ages. It made life easier and sped up the technological development of the world. This gave InGen, the company that was behind the first park, the opportunity to create a new and improved park. Taking John Hammond's dream and made it a reality. Their efforts were successful in creating the park he always wanted. History always has a way in repeating itself or so they say. For their end, there was a new beginning for someone else. -------------- On HaitusAlle Rechte vorbehalten