A Brooklyn Nine Nine Fanfic Story! ><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< Amy's life seemed to be going great but things seem to start piling up on her and no amount of planing or binders can make her prepared for the love she starts to feel for Jake. Jake has always had to go through hard crap, but this? This is crazy. The stuff you hear about in the movies crazy. Everything in his life goes down hill when he's taken by a bunch of his old arrests. How could anyone prepare for this amount of anxiety? The squad doesn't have any idea how to help Jake, they don't even know where he is. And when Amy goes missing too they can't help but start to think of the worst possibilities. But as long as they work together they should be able to find them. Life, am I right? **Disclaimer- I don't own anything** Started: July 15 2020All Rights Reserved