Born in the year 2061, Emerald Baumeister is a Swiss 19-year old girl from the village of Grindelwald. When Emerald's father, Felix Baumeister, an Elemental who possesses the ability to control water and ice, dies mysteriously, Emerald feels devastated, alone, and lost. Her brother, Hector, and mother, Evangeline, leave the village and move out to Zurich, a Swiss Metropolis.
When Emerald goes to visit her father's grave two weeks following his death, she discovers an encrypted message that might tell her that her father is alive and might lead her to her father's true whereabouts. She goes to search for her father, who faked his death to escape an attack against him. Felix has something valuable that he has to protect. And, in order to do so, he needs his daughter's help, along with her friends, Anselm and Dani, and the other family members, Hector and Evangeline.
Genres: Fantasy/ science fiction
One girl. One Element. One amazing adventure.
Fiametta, or Fia for short, is an orphan. At sixteen years of age she's always in trouble as most teenagers are. She doesn't leave the orphanage. Doesn't even plan to ever leave it. That is, until she has to run for her life.
Follow Fia on her journey of self discovery as she makes friends and foes. Follow her on her journey to save the lives of all Elemental kind.
Highest Rank: #496 in Fiction
Highest Rank: #418 in Fantasy