Jeon Jungkook, a youngest member of BTS and his twin sister, Jeonie discover a shop filled with magic called "Magic Shop" and meets a ticket cashier and magic shop owner, BTS' Park Jimin and he gives to Jungkook and Jeonie. When Jungkook was going somewhere in the shop and Jeonie discovers that the ticket cashier, Jimin secretly falls in love with her and nervous Jeonie just look at the ticket, when Jungkook is back, he tells his twin sister if she's okay and Jeonie just confused about earlier and she saw a nutcracker music box and tell her brother to buy it. Jeonie meets the other members of BTS except Jimin who works at the shop. She meets Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Taehyung who are watching the movie "The Nutcracker and the Four Realms" inside the shop, Jungkook, Jeonie and Jimin joins the members watching a movie. Later Jimin tells the members that he falls for Jeonie and looks at her, the twins gets confused and Jeonie accidentally flirts with Jimin, and Jungkook just looking around the shop, Jungkook and Jeonie gets separated and Jungkook is with the BTS, while Jeonie keeps confused and ignored Jimin, she is with Jimin and he becomes Jeonie's secret nutcracker she will able to finding her twin brother, Jungkook. Then Jimin puts Jeonie a mysterious curse and transforming her to a cursing ghost and she will not able to see her beloved twin brother. Then Jungkook is also turning to a ghost after he gets curse by a mysterious magic and Jimin puts a curse himself while the members of BTS gets confused and scared, and the three of them suffers from mysterious magic curse. Jungkook's cursing soul is inside Jeonie's body, Jeonie's cursing soul is in Jimin's body and Jimin's cursing soul is inside Jungkook's body and the three of them gets possessed themselves. The magic told the three to turning back to their own body and to a normal person. The three ghosts makes an confession that makes the curse will be permanent, Jeonie Jungkook and Jimin back to normal