An ambitious top student seeks to bring her old friend back, trapped inside the head of a dangerous man with multiple personalities.
Christofer Agustin is the most popular teen actor and brand model, best known for his action movies of the current time. But after going through a traumatic experience, it somehow turned things upside-down for him. He wakes up in the hospital with an aggressive and different attutide. The cheerful and goal-driven 'Tofer' turns into a savage guy you wouldn't want to get close with. He never yells, and he never curses. But this time, he just did.
Isabelle, his fellow dreamer, his number one fan and childhood friend becomes frustrated with his odd actions. Dealing with a seemingly new, dangerous man, who still seems mad for what happened months ago, it left her one question in mind:
"Just... Who are you, Christofer?"
DISCLAIMER: This story is written in Taglish.