For decades the Union of Worlds have ruled the galaxy with an iron fist. However, on the once proud planet of Crade, revolution is stirring...
When the Prince disappears, Daru and Lizzee, two teenagers from Crade, get caught up in a web of conspiracy which will take them across the galaxy in a never dreamed-of adventure. Joined by their strong-minded artificial intelligence, Aye-Eye, and a host of eclectic characters they race from one dangerous situation to the next with only Daru's self-confidence and Lizzee's brilliant mind keeping them one step ahead of the Union army.
With options running out, an unexpected revelation causes Daru to question everything he thought he ever knew...
Set in a vibrant and exciting galaxy, Union of Worlds: Deception is a thrilling sci fi adventure story full of twists, turns and surprises on every page.
This is it.
It all makes sense now.
This is Instability.
Where you come undone in the presence of your own mind.
This is the place where the lack of stability and insecurity hits first.
The state of unstableness. It's finally maneuvered its self into my head and has won. It has finally won.
Lyra Kabrick is destined to uncover the secrets hidden away from the new world she lives in. She must decide and make choices that are not always easy to finish what her father started. But not alone. She must pick up the pieces from her past life that she has left behind and put them together. She must unravel the mystery that lies before her and figures out the truth that is hidden behind the government and spread the dirty secrets that cover for the government to this newborn world.
She is taken to the other side of the wall, also known as the Feeders and surprisingly enough makes close friends that she can call her family as she takes them with her on the journey that lies ahead.
What happens when she falls in love with her best friend who has turned into an enemy. Now a lover? Nothing always goes as planned.
This is a world filled with telepathy where nothing seems to connect.