503 Altman Street
The address number of the abandoned house on the very end of Altman Street. The house lays empty and alone for nearly thirty years, the past owners having long left it behind to rot away.
No one knew why the residents left. Only that they retreated in the night and never came back.
Of course, like any good parent; folks over the years warned their children with extreme overdramatic stories as to why the house was dangerous and to never enter it.
"There are ghosts in the house that will take you away and eat your bones for dinner."
"Evil people live in that old house. They will do terrible things to you if you go in there."
"A big nasty creature is waiting for you in there."
Despite the obvious fake comments used to scare the children into staying away, it was unsuprising when three friends decided to venture into the wasting away structure.
What they find inside, will forever haunt them.
Ranked #4 in #abandonedhouse out of 105 stories on 08/06/2022
Ranked #8 in #horrorshort out of 150 stories on 08/10/2022
Ranked #3 in #horrorhouse out of 45 stories on 08/11/2022
Ranked #665 in #notforkids out of 1.8K stories on 08/13/2022
Ranked #117 in #hole out of of 920 stories on 10/24/2022
The MHA universe is in for a real shock when they find out about a universe that has real God's, Monster's and that a Foundation of quirkless people is keeping them away from the rest of the World, let's see there Reaction here.