The young explorer Captain Naomi Turner returns back to the Kingdom of Avalor, where everything has changed and everyone had grown out the people they once were. Well, every one except the Chancellor of Avalor and cousin to Queen Elena, Esteban Flores, much to Naomi's chagrin.
However, when the two of them go in place of the pregnant Elena to respond to a distressing call in Norberg, they find that good Queen Abagail is dead, Chloe is missing, and an imposter and his slimy advisor having taken to the Throne. To top it off, this Phony King demands the capture and questioning of Naomi as a possibly conspiring Norbergian. To avoid this, Naomi must go from being a Norbergian to an Avaloran. They only solution: Marriage. To Esteban.
While this solution is effective, it's the last thing Naomi and Esteban ever wanted. But, they'll have to learn to rely on one another as they hope to find Chloe, face the demons of the past, new dangers that threaten the future, and Naomi learns that Royal Court is a much more dangerous game than Pretty dresses and airheaded Royals. Especially when a slow burning attraction begins to arise and complicate matters even more.
(a rewritten version of Coronation Day) It 3 days before Elena's coronation. Everyone in the palace is happy and excited. Everyone except Elena. Ever since she found out her cousin Esteban betrayed her. He ran off with a malvago named Ash and a sorceress named Chatana. She has been stressing herself out trying to find them. Will she be able to defeat them?