For a brief time a few months ago, my legs turned to marshmallow when he touched me. Now I want to grind his thumb in a vise. Or stomp on his big toe in my hiking boots and ask him, "How does that feel?" Lucy Bernard is close friends with teacher-buddy widower Deon Goldbloom. She bakes brownies to help him get over his heartache--four years and still not dating--and keeps him company on hikes, thrift store forays, and happy-hour outings. They call themselves sidekick soulmates, and with Phoebe, the trio are like three social Musketeers. Until the night everything changes for the better. At first. And then... Lucy and Deon are still friends, but it's not the same. Not even close. Still, a guy can dream, can't he? But Deon isn't content with dreaming, and that's his big mistake.