Subterranean follows the story of a lonely and curious young girl, Willow, who inhabits a secret underground community beneath the streets of New York City. This community is responsible for running life as we know it. It's all she has ever known. However, Willow is different. Her seemingly innocent curiosity and thirst for independence lead her to unthinkable consequences. In a desperate attempt to break free from her chains and restrictions, Willow goes to dangerous lengths to be more than just a number working for the government. She strives to be human. To add to the risk, while striving for her independence and rebelling against her secret underground city, Willow finds love with someone above ground- someone normal. But will her uncontrollable need for love expose the secrets of the world and end her life as she knows it? Or will she salvage the remains and defend the community that's shaped not only herself and her entire family, but the entire world as they know it?