Kun is just a normal hard-working Psychology student. He has always had an interest in mental disorders, and he has studied hard to get to know more about them. This results in a rather unfortunate opportunity. His teacher gives him an internship at one of the most notorious mental institutions. Kun first thinks it will be his last internship ever, as the rumours about the place are dark and scary. But are the rumours based on facts, or are they just myths?
Yangyang has been locked into a mental institution ever since he can remember. The nurses have never been nice to him, and Yangyang kept failing to communicate with them. It was as if he was an alien on the wrong planet. He threw tantrums, the nurses sedated him, and when he woke up he was wearing a straightjacket, lying in a padded room. When he was let back into his own room, soon the miscommunication started again. This circle repeated itself over and over, and Yangyang was slowly getting tired of everything. They had diagnosed him with being 'possessed by a demon' but in reality, he was just a simple boy with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
This story will contain mention of mental disorders, a creepy asylum, abuse, fights, cursing and ableist/anti-autism people. I have done my research on ASD, and from my own personal experience, I will include the most correct view of ASD that I can.
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