Tory, a young 18 year old black girl living in a society full of rich haughty people, struggles with proverty and life in the rich dominated city of hirelyn. after graduating high school, her parents past away leaving her alone with her big brother whom was arrested later on leaving tory alone. A lot of temptations came her way, but she vowed to be independent and work for everything she wants. as a eighteen year old poor black lady, trying to succeed in a prestige society it was struggling for her. she was exposed to racism and many types of negative influences to bring her down. She was accepted in college but had no money to pay for the tuition and when a job after came for work in the middle of a dangerous- rumored forest, she had to make a decision. Marry a man, whom she didn't love or go work for herself, she chose the latter. The work was not as she had anticipated. she had never expected to land herself in the middle of chaos. In the middle of a Love Odyssey. "this book goes out to all the beautiful black young lady's of the world. Anything is possible when you believe❤ A dreamers story🌼💫All Rights Reserved
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