Summary: Levi lived his whole life in a cage. His shackles followed him wherever he went which wasn't far at all. To them he was a test subject. To them he was something they could do whatever with. They could beat him, torture, inject him with unknown fluids, take pictures... By now Levi was use to these harsh terms he called life. Sometimes he'd even embrace the pain, that was all he ever knew after all. But just like children, they get tired of their toys and eventually throw them away. Thus an auction is held. What happens when they decide to sell him? They don't care if he's sold into pieces or whole as long as their pockets are full. Levi however, was use to his life... Now he had the opportunity to be free? A chance to escape. Easy right? He wished. Levi was a frightful yet, very beautiful and elegant creature. His luscious wings attracted many from everywhere. Mutant. That's what he is. People feared him yet lusted for him. So who's the lucky buyer? No other than an ocean eyed brat of course.