One with spirit of tiger, lion, and leopard combined will save many cats from hardship and disaster. This cat will bring them together, and his story shall be told by those cats in every generation for all the moons to come.
This was the prophecy given to Blue while she mothered Tiger and her kits. Her kits, Fang, Lavender, and Spirit were growing fast, and she began to worry about her and her kits safety, for they where growing up in Talllegstreet, which was a horrid place to grow up. There was never much food either.
Once Spirit grew up, he was told about the prophecy. He knew that he must fulfill it.
Will he fulfill his destiny? Find out in The Spirit of a clan: The Makings of a Clan.
I know, it was a bad description. STOP JUDGING MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First book! I'll try to update often but I'm not making any promises OwO
But basically this is the story of Spirit, my warrior cats oc. Please leave a comment, I would love to hear your thoughts on my book. Also as you can see, I don't have a very good title, so post good ideas for that too. Thanks bye