I was sitting in my rotting home. That was until I heard some one here. I saw a man walking around my home. That was a beginning to a happy unknown relationship. After a few months the man who came that first day been visiting EVERYDAY! It made me so happy that I wasn't alone no more. I liked this guy...he was so nice... He fixed my home... But soon...He was putting it up for sale! I didn't want him to leave! I would cry sometimes. I doubt wanna be alone again! What if the next owner doesn't take care of the garden or the house! What if they just leave it to die again!?...it was saddening... But one day...a group of guys walked in. Cameras and all. "What ever is here. It doesn't want me to leave..." Said the house owner. " What do you mean by that? " a guy with glasses asked. "It's trying to keep me from selling the house and leaving it...All Rights Reserved