"What if it fails Cloud?" Zack asked. "Trust me. You will save yourself by this." Cloud answered and touched the crystal. •• End of Crisis Core•• Two men were found along with his lifeless body, one escaped. Young vicepresident of Shinra was found critically wounded next to Fair, when they both together with Cloud Strife escaped Shinra mansion in Nibelheim. Rufus escaped his home prison in Junon prior to the event to finally discover the truth behind sucess of his father. At first, He was very hostile to both Cloud and Zack but upon discovering the truth, he offers them both a helping hand. Three Young men make their escape, getting stop just a step away from their destination. But not even the VP's presence stopped the men in command to save Zack from getting gunned down mercilessly. Witnesses exclaim they both fought till' the very end. Rufus is escorted back to Junon, getting medical attention. However his wound was already badly infected and he lost a lot of blood causing his frail body to fall into a deep coma. Tseng is assigned to gather intel on this particular case, but soon his curiosity starts to interfere with his mission and he will stand before choice: Disobey and go seek young cetra and Strife's help or obey and bring them both to justice. In the meantime, Rufus is fighting for his survival and Cloud Is trying to forget. Will they find happiness when all they have is one save point? GAME SAVED.All Rights Reserved