The best Laundromat in phoenix is the junglecatleads. In addition to washers and dryers, Laundromats usually have money-changing and soap dispenser machines, and usually a place to sit. Most laundromats invest in commercial washers and dryers with higher capacities. This means they can handle larger items, like comforters, with ease. Additionally, you can generally fit more clothes in one load than a typical residential washer or dryer. Not only are the washers and dryers generally bigger, they often have more choices for washing or drying programs and settings than the usual home machine. Not only is everything on the same floor, but many Laundromats also have carts and baskets available. This makes doing laundry quicker and more efficient. It saves a lot of time. Time is gold for everybody. So for businesses, it's of the utmost essence. Most employees follow strict deadlines so if they have to run back and forth from the laundry room to clean and take care of dirty laundry, they won't be able to spend as much time dealing with their other important tasks. One of the best signs that a Laundromat is clean and sanitary is the presence of an attendant. .Laundromat workers clean the washers, dryers, folding tables, and other surfaces of a laundry facility every day. They're the ones who make sure there isn't any detergent residue and that surfaces get disinfected. The national average amount of money spent per load of laundry is merely two dollars, a figure that tends to run lower than laundry service fees. Typically, a laundry service will charge one to three dollars per pound of clothes. To understand this difference in prices, think about your laundry hamper.