Shuichi has had feelings for his friend for god knows how long; and not just any regular feelings, one only a person could feel for their lover. Because of this Heartache (And occasionally Headache) Enducing Boy, He'd spend hours of simply coming over to Himiko's house for the sole purpose of being able to rant about Ouma, and, on rare occasions, vent as well to the petite girl about his feelings for this crush of his, one that Yumeno despised in particular, but Shuichi was a good friend of hers, and she didn't have the heart to tell him that... yet. One thing she did have the heart to do though was admit to herself that Shuichi's usual routine of coming over and expressing all of his compressed feelings to her was getting way too old and tiring; She absolutely HAD to make a way for it to come to an end. Now, Little miss Yumeno wasn't one to think things out completely, in fact, Her ways of thinking were much too simple. She began her simple thought process in her mind as Shuichi spoke words that would go unheard by Himiko. 'Hmm... Kokichi likes cats... Shuichi wants to be liked by Kokichi-... I think i got it!" and thus, the spell was cast shortly afterwards.Domaine public
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