You have been invited to a royay schol for prinse and prinsess called royay high, it was a casle in the midle of an iland you enter the gate and see a people with cat ear and black clothes. "us dat le new student :3?" the gril said she walk to you weirdly it look like a cartoony walk "mah name is mochi by da way! pwease nu toch mah tail U-U" two grils suddenly walked up to you too "ew" said the girl with a shadoo embress set "y'all lok soooo ugly" she said. Before she can continu insolting you the bell rang and you went to the cafteria, you sat at the table with mochi and her friend alex. "Hewo :3" he said, you said hi and you all began talking when you saw a HOT BOY!!! omg... yu aproached the hot guy and said "hi!!" and he said "hi im jake the prince of dark fairies" "hes out of mi leage..." you thought but yu had to continu the convoersation bc it wud be akward if u walk away "ummmmm what do u eat" yu said nervosly "i eet soup" he said back blushing.. "wana go to prom wth mee" he said nervosly... "YAAA!!!!" yu scremed bak "sory i got exited" u said embarasedTodos los derechos reservados