According to the Romans, three is the perfect number. I'm kind of certain that they likely were not referring to badly written fan fictions but anyways here's the third book. At the request of literally not one single person, I'm back, not quite as crunk as before (I had the worst experience with vodka and monster energy mixed together so we're working off of wine and deep-rooted trauma today) and I'm ready to serve you yet another story in which Marthe Woertman is hot, Harry Styles is a villain, and I forget that I was supposed to put Shrek in until the last chapter and then one of my friends yells at me and I panic and shove him in there where it doesn't even make sense. Also Julie is in here because I got flamed for putting Lorena in the last one and not Julie but in my defense I don't actually know that much about Marthe Woertman and therefore was not cognizant of Julie's existence. anyways, here she is. There is still not any explicit or mature content and full disclosure, I'm not going to write any. Not because I wouldn't be good at it but because it makes me uncomfortable to do so without the explicit consent of all parties involved. Needless to repeat but if you're Shrek, Harry Styles, or Marthe Woertman probably don't read this because it is wildly inaccurate because I do not know much of anything about much of any of you.Also I wrote this while listening to One Direction's debut album on repeat and it contains a really excessive amount of references to ancient Roman poets that I like. Also please do not flame me for my Latin translations I really do be trying my best with it. So. Anyways, enjoy, like, comment, don't share for the love of Jupiter. Seriously tho please comment something, I am so very lonely and evidently do not have enough to do with my time so if one of y'all doesn't stop stalking and start talking I'm gonna cry