Sequel to the Wattpad novel The Age of Aquarius E.J. Thompson, a reclusive author and former journalist, recalls the tales of four teenage criminals as Brooke King, Caleb Wolfe, and Nessa and Johnny Phoenix had exposed a corrupt billionaire for illegally experimenting on sea monsters. However, as the fall of 1997 came around, their excitement for adventure waned. So instead of battling monsters, the children plan to stay at home and watch horror movies on VHS tapes. Then, without warning, Caleb Wolfe's best friend Enrique was murdered. Despite the police's slow investigation, the teenage quartet decides to find the answers themselves. Now, these kids are not superheroes: they could care less about morals or fight on the side of good. Yet, whenever their friends are in danger, these four misfits are willing to take matters into their own hands. This book discusses the themes of sexual assault, homelessness, racism, and gang violence. If you happened to be struggling with any of these issues, please consult with a friend, teacher, or someone you trust.
30 parts