This story is about my OC, Moon Hedgehog, and her family, in this kingdom, who end up in a little bit of a dilemma. You got the Pirate Queen, you got the Hitman, you have the shadow siblings, you got the Angel Twins, Phoenix Twins, a Tigon, a Demon Prince, an Assassin Princess, a Siren Witch, and the heirs to the kingdom hunting them down. Did I mention they were all related, or friends with each other? What could Possibly go wrong?
I do not own Cosium, Benonic, Kaze, Sapphire, Darren, Trails, Rakar, Mortesen, Athena, and Atlantis, everything else is mine.
This story isn't canon to Teen's and Children's Play.
This is just an AU/What if that bends the rules of this universe.
In this timeline, the hedgehog triplets disappearing never happens and is avoided.
Unfortunately, this doesn't mean Cosium is out of the woods yet.
What will happen years later when the boys grow up and learn that the world is in conflict?
The answer: a giant adventure to protect Cosium from destruction.