Ashes of Love one shot, based entirely on the TV series.
Theme: Found family...and I mean XuFeng, JinMi, their son BaiLu, along with LiuYing and her daughter QinTian.
Family members are precious. They protect you, annoy you to death, stay with you in thick and thin. Unfortunate cases, they stab you in the back. Often you are stuck with the ones in the family you are born in to, and those bonds last forever. But the ones you choose to be your family... Sometimes these ties are stronger than blood ties, and even more beautiful. I love the bonds of friendship, love and loyalty the Demon Princess LiuYing had with XuFeng and JinMi. She was always their friend, steadfast and loyal and brave. I especially love how she constantly fought with her long-lost lover Muci in the mortal realm to protect JinMi, and how she was always there for XuFeng whether he was in Heaven or Hell. From the epilogue in the show, it is evident that LiuYing and her daughter visit XuFeng and JinMi often, BaiLu and QinTian get along like a house on fire, and XuFeng is definitely an indulgent uncle to QinTian, the way she asks BaiLu to get him to come rescue her if she runs into trouble. So, a little scene, set after the show's end, of course. BaiLu aka Xiao Lu aka TangYue gets a visit from Auntie LiuYing and his sister QinTian...
Disclaimer: The characters belong to the show's creators and the original author. No copyright infringement intended.