When I was 4 I saw my parents die in front of my eyes in the cabin we always stayed at since I was two. I woke up from my bed and heard my mother scream. I opened my bed room door and saw two guys with guns and a knife. I heard my father say you will not have her ... next thing I knew one of the guys shot him through his heart I was bursting out crying. One of the guys heard me and was about to run up the stairs when my mother screamed don't hurt her "she's my angel".Trixie! said my mother run far away from here go now. My mother tried to run towards me but next thing I knew one of the guys stabbed her in the stomach. I ran into my room locked the door and grabbed a backpack and jumped out the window...All my works are copyrighted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. This includes all chapters, prologues/epilogues and associated content. Any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law
Copyright © 2012 Monique Potrzeba All Rights Reserved
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