it was a cold morning and i was on my way to see if i could win lotto for the thrid time. as i stoped for people to cross the road i got a mesage on my samsung galxy s 888 saying that my lambo was having computer chip problems next minute i hear a clunking noise "man my lambo has broken down again" i muttetd to my self iget out of my car "aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh" i fell over "that must of been a huge eruption some place near here" i comment as i pull my self to my feet i start to hear crunching noises i look at the ground and see a huge crack in it the crack starts spilting open so i jump back in to my lambo and try to start it broom clunk clunk broom clunck clunck it is no use i get out to look at the motter i fall right through the huge crack"ahhhhahhh" im falling to my death "good by world"i yell THE ENDAll Rights Reserved