38 parts Complete When high-profile true crime writer, Ben Ogilvie, is persuaded to interview Eleanor Reardon, he gets substantially more than he bargained for. Eleanor is the illegitimate daughter of Gina Lawrence, a woman still in FBI witness protection after an unprecedented thirty-five years. It is now 1997. The horrendous events on Fairport (God's Island) are all but forgotten-indeed virtually obliterated by a zealous cover-up. However, fallen millionaire Sam Godsteen wants the record put straight and knows the elusive Gina Lawrence is the only person alive that can do it.
Through Eleanor, Ogilvie meets Gina and the fantastic journey begins. She takes him deep into a world of intrigue and espionage, as seen through the eyes of a woman who knows she is only being used for her memory-faces stored in her brain. Faces of monsters a sane person would want to erase
Gina is not allowed to forget. Indeed because of Eleanor, barely a year old at the time, she is intimidated by government agents who indirectly threaten to have her and the baby "thrown to the wolves" unless she cooperates. Her inclusion on an internationally circulated death list leaves her little choice.
Ill-trained and poorly equipped, she is flung headlong into a vicious arena where only the most cunning and experienced can ever hope to survive. Her ordeal begins in Hong Kong where she meets Travis the spymaster. She's never sure of the tight-lipped Travis, yet her life soon depends on his every word.
Dragon's Island engulfs her and the terror begins once more.
Dragon's Island is a standalone sequel to God's Island.