"See here? He is so precise. Then when he jumps, the other members are so in-sync it's crazy! I want to perform like that someday, y/n," he says excitedly, looking closely at the dance that was being performed on the screen. You don't know the name of the band, there are too many. Grabbing his hand, you turn to look at him.
"Someday, we'll be able to entertain together," you say, smiling. He turns and puts his arm around you.
"We sure will." Chris gets up and pulled a hat on, then puts flip-flops on his feet.
"Where are we going?" you ask. He just smiles and runs out the door. As quickly as you can, you roll off the bed and run after him.
"Chris?" you yell when you get outside. Looking over a bush, you see a line of dark brown hair. "Gotcha." He jumps up, then takes hold of your hand.
"Let's go!" He starts running again, and soon you arrive at the beach.
"Chris, I should tell my par-"
"Hey, y/n," a voice says behind you. You turn to see that it is Felix, a boy a bit younger than you, but is still really attention-grabbing. You don't know why, but you feel your cheeks heat, then wave awkwardly.
"Hey." He smiles, then turns to walk away. When you look at Chris, you see his face has hardened.
"Do you like him?" This question shocks you.
"Chris, he is in 6th grade, of course I don't!" you say, tapping his chest.
"You'll tell me when you like someone, right?" He says, shifting his leg weight from left to right.
"Why?" He shrugs.
"Just want to know that you trust me, y/n."
What happens when it's over before you get to have a say?
And all you are left with is regret of how much better it could have been.
The thought that if you acted another way then the person will be still with you crashes down on you. The weight of guilt and regret become so unbearable that it drags you deeper in the darkness of oblivion.........but everyone has a person who lights up there way back or is there?
It was supposed to be a happy wedding Chan would finally get to be with an angel who taught him how to live. He always dreamt of spending his life with his Angel. Minho loved Chan more than words could express. To him Chan was the safe place the stability quotient of live. That is until the wedding happened.... In there bubble of love they didn't see the dark shadows falling over them.
The bleak yet unbearable pain, the void left by the only person that mattered left a heart to be shattered. The distance scarred two beautiful souls.
"If this is how love ends then I don't want to stop loving you"
- Minho