"Fine Niall," I said "I'm in love with Harry." My heart stopped, this being the first time I said it out loud. His smile grew wider than I've ever seen it.
"Really? That's amazing! You two'd be so good for each other, its obvious. Guess the fans are smarter than us, eh?" He laughed, slapping his hand around me. "Well why haven't you told him?" I let out an inaudible noise kind of like a squeak and looked at him crazily.
"He'd be creeped out! He obviously doesn't feel the same, he set me up with Eleanor." I winced at her name.
"Just give it a try, trust me it won't change anything, unless he likes you back." Niall finished then winked, running out of the room to take his pictures. Should I do it? Hell its not like it'll matter! If he hates me my life's gonna be just as terrible. By now I'd mustered up enough courage to do it.