"This... this shouldn't be happening.
You're a married man and on top of that,
you're my boss."
Chapters : 16 + epilogue
Total word count : 17, 494.
Heid Fanfic
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Hotch x Reid
Spencer x Aaron
Aaron Hotchner x Spencer Reid
Best Rankings Received :
#049 / 1,000+ : Aaron
#175 / 1,000+ : FBI
#028 / 1,000+ : Spencer
#183 / 1,000+ : Reid
#333 / 1,000+ : Spencerreid
#300 / 1,000+ : Derekmorgan
#310 / 1,000+ : Emilyprentiss
#226 / 1,000+ : Penelopegarcia
#527 / 1,000+ : Criminalminds
#146 / 1,000+ : Hotch
#484 / 1,000+ : Criminal
#074 / 1,000+ : Rossi
#001 / 455 : Bureau
#001 / 060 : Heid
#009 / 155 : Aaronhotchner
#001 / 034 : Criminalmindssmut
#001 / 024 : HotchxreidAll Rights Reserved