John was officially declared King due to his recent exposition, now everyone knows his past, and everyone knows that he has an ability.
Even after knowing that fact, everyone still rejected John.
Weak or Strong, it didn't matter.
Everyone thought that he was a Monster anyway.
And now, he doesn't have anything to keep going forward.
No goals, no motivations, nothing.
When everything seems lost and worthless to him, failed friendships, nobody he can trust, and nobody could reach him anymore, so what is going to bring the troubled King a shining ray of hope and light to his life?
This fanfic has as a starting timeline since episode 190 from the original series.
Also, thanks to RereAU for the amazing cover!
NOTE: All the characters presented in this story are from Unordinary from Webtoons, written by uru-chan, so if you have free time check it out on Line Webtoons!
John has a cousin who also attends Wellston, and who has dethroned Arlo. He rules similarly to Rei, discouraging bullying and doing his best to break the distance between the tiers, but nothing seems to work. Then, he gets wind that his cousin has enrolled as a cripple, and has successfully befriended the second-most powerful student in the school: Seraphina. Urging John to reveal his power and help him break the distance, he does everything in his power to bring John, not into the hierarchy, but to accept himself and his past. But what happens when the jack, Arlo, overhears their discussion? Will John become the Joker? Or will he accept his power with the help of his cousin?
That's for me to know, and you to find out.
Note: Many of these characters belong to Uru-Chan. I am simply reimagining them in new circumstances.