Growing Up With You [] Sanders Sides AU
16 parti Completa "And it's crazy, isn't it? To think back on how far we've come, on how much we grew into our own people, into us.
It's even crazier to think that if you hadn't approached me that day, we wouldn't know each other. Who would've we become, without each other? I can't imagine life without you, my longest, dearest, and bestest friend.
We've shared nearly every experience together, Star. Our first day of school every year, learning to count, our first sugar rushes, 'running away', our rebellious phase, our first kisses, our first school dance. I can't imagine doing anything without you now.
As such, I have a request. I'd like to share one more experience together, before we leave this life we've always known..."
/"Hewwo. I saw you sitting hewe by youwself, and wanted to know if you wouwd wike to cowor wif me?"
"... Yes please. Thank you."/
T.W.: Yelling, mentions of abuse, character getting PTSD, crying, anger, bullying, cursing/cussing, anxiety, nervousness, almost drowning, near-death experience, oblivious dorks, LET ME KNOW IF I NEED TO ADD MORE
·Characters belong to Thomas Sanders
·OCs belong to me
·Storyline belongs to me
·The fic where Logan and Virgil grow up together, and is filled with an emotional roller coaster that never seems to end
·Eventual Analogical