"The right people getting on the right time."
Cleigh, Uhmir, Thumi, and Eustace are friends who are members of a band that has dedicated songs to Him.
Eustace was born into a Muslim family, but he refuses to follow his family and choose to be His follower. Their family is opposed to him joining the band. Will he continue to be one of His follower?
Uhmir and Thumi are twin brothers who come from unbeliever family. However, these twins believe in Him. Their family is also opposed to them joining the band. Will they be able to stand firm in their faith?
Cleigh, the only girl in the group with a tragic past who still trust in Him. She is the pastor's niece from the church for which they are playing. But will she be able to keep trusting Him in the face of life's uncertainties?
If their families are hindrance of using their talents for His glory, will they still choose to be Christians until the end?
If you're not a religious type, you may choose not to read this. But I suggest you try to read it.