40 Части Завершенная история Для взрослыхLiving the disgrace of her grandfather, Xia's parents send her to the Fire Nation Captial to try to win favor with the Fire Lord. Little Xia is meant as the most recent playmate for Princess Azula, a very dangerous job. However, Xia matched Azula in her Firebending abilities, and the two become friendly rivals. Xia became famous for her yellow fire, not nearly as dangerously hot as Azula's blue fire, but a warmth that fuels Xia's will. Though Xia was close friends with Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee, she volunteered to accompany Zuko and Iroh on their hunt to find the Avatar. Calm and patient Xia became Zuko's new sparring partner, and Iroh's favorite Pai Sho challenger.
"How can you be drinking tea at a time like this?!" Zuko demanded.
I looked at him as if surprised by his stupidity, "because I do not particularly like cold tea."
A laugh followed my statement and we both turned to Iroh, "you see, Prince Zuko. Xia knows that there are times to march forward, but there are also times to take a step back."
"What does that even mean?" Zuko asked furiously.
"It means that I take time to think," I replied gently. "Now, why don't we go and continue your quest for the Avatar?"
*I update by book. So the first thirteen chapters are book one. Updates are very slow, but over ten chapters at a time.