The Collector's Museum....A supposed rescue mission turned into a fight for a second chance. Two got out, seven died, and one captured in result. In the depths of hell Alex notices that Joey was pulled into the realm which shocked him and he helps him up. However they notice something was affecting the other dead and Joey caught a glowing light coming from Alex's chest. They find out that the gatekeeper of the dark dimension had marked Alex as part of it after first death which shielded him from the effects of hell. Both notice the rest of the cast find them except they were corrupted into these evil forms of themselves. Unfortunately Joey started falling to the effects too but Alex discovered to have gained the powers of the dark dimension and escaped with Joey. Alex finds himself back in the Victorian era and comes face to face with a white cladded Joey named Raef who seemed very unfriendly. The duo notice Allison show up with Riley who tells them that if they want to save their friends, they must become the enemy for every monster they faced. In a new survival where the enemies are now the pawns, everyone may run, but which of them will show they can escape the night? As Spectra Wassabi and Raef deliver the overdue torture.Tous Droits Réservés
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