Started: 01/07/2020 Finished: ongoing Jeff never met Lucille, he did have a girlfriend and had twins, Scott and Kiara, but she left him after they were born. When they grew up they joined the police force, Kiara finding much thrill chasing down wanted criminals and Scott to keep his twin from going nuts. Virgil and Virgo's parents died in a car crash, they moved into an apartment near the beach when they were old enough, met Gordon who was barely getting by while buying things for said apartment. They had a spare bedroom so offered him the room. To say he was thrilled was An understatement. Ali, John, jackie - gingerbread triplets and sohpia, Adam and Alan - little triplets lived with their mother and her husband Max, their abusive step dad. The gingerbread triplets had planned on wanting to go to College but changed their minds while the little ones were still studying as they were only 15. Virgil and Scott knew eachother only through the internet, which was also how he and Ali bumped into eachother since he wasn't looking at where he was exactly walking. They introduced themselves and things went from there.