Trailer Park Hippies II: Hippies on the Hump is the long-awaited sequel to Bill Coleman's debut novel, Trailer Park Hippies. In the second installment of the series, our hero and the cast of characters from Adolf's East Morton Trailer Park find themselves transplanted to "The Hump" (aka Klan Headquarters) in East Morton, Ohio, where they re-form their old high-school band, then break the unwritten rules of residential etiquette in their new neighborhood by taking in a housemate of minority status. In their sordid hippie household, our protagonist re-connects with Stoni, a hip big-city chick with whom he once dallied behind the back of his devoted high-school girlfriend, Tonya Treadway. Stoni appears on the Hump to start chapter two of their relationship, but their attempts at intimacy are disheartening enough to plant doubts in our hero's mind about his sexuality. Strip club owner and hip northern Kentucky gangster Robby "Butch" Biondo tries to convert the "Mick Jagger of East Morton, Ohio" to the "other team." But Cincinnati's top exotic dancer (by night) and Frederick's of Hollywood manager (by day), the glamorous blond bombshell known as "Eden," takes decisive steps to keep our vulnerable hero out of Robby Butch's predatory clutches. She lures him instead into the sensuously seedy world of Newport, Kentucky (aka "Sin City") and shows him that's where he belongs. Six years his senior, smart and sexy Eden minds and mentors her new young lover until he truly "finds himself" in her king-size, leopard-sheeted waterbed. Love and laughter, sin and seduction, drugs and danger, dominance and submission-and plenty of good, old-fashioned sex and drugs and rock and roll--await you on the pages of Trailer Park Hippies II: Hippies on the Hump!
Part 2 To "X-Tra Credit" For Those Who Enjoyed That Book, Here's Part 2 To It. Read "X-Tra Credit" First, And It Would Help If You Read My "Thug Love Series" As Well.
This Is A FanFiction, So All Past Relationships With These Characters In My Other Books (Other Than "X-Tra Credit") Have Nothing To Do With Them In This Book.
It's Rated R For Obvious Reasons (Just The Cover Alone Should Give You A Hint You Might Want A Bible Near By As You Read).
Hope Y'all Enjoy!
Keep It Gangsta My Hoodlums :*
Miss_Hoodnificent :*