Hakan, the designated modern-day Protector endowed with special abilities, joins forces with Nisan, a newly appointed Loyal One, in an ancient quest to save mankind. Can these reluctant heroes come together to face their shared duty and destiny, or will they buckle and break under the otherworldly burden, the weight of which defies all human explanation? **** Hakan and Nisan quickly bond as they join forces in an ancient war passed down from generation to generation, vowing to preserve human life at any cost even as the Immortals seek to destroy and conquer all. They soon discover they are two sides of the same cursed coin, two sides of a weight-bearing wall holding up the whole goddamn universe. As the Immortals continue to wreak havoc on their lives, plucking away all of their family and loved ones, playing games and tormenting them at every turn, will their resolve, their strength, their bond hold? Or will they break under the otherworldly weight they are forced to bear? Inspired by the Netflix Original Series The Protector. *Warning: Spoilers & For Mature Audiences Only! Cover by @KPWaaattpad