25 parts Complete Thirteen years ago, a brilliant scientist named Doctor Tenma lost his only son in an experiment gone horribly right. To heal his broken heart, the scientist created a robot boy in the likeness of his son with his personality, memories, and heart. As soon as the project was labelled a success, it was also deemed unstable and shut down. No one but Tenma knows what really happened that day but in the years that followed, everyone slowly forgot about Tenma's robot.
Today, the Ministry of Science is reviving Tenma's old work, including the human-like robot that was supposed to have been shut down. Not that Sarann Uran is impressed by it. Little does she know that the revival of a dead bot is going to effect her in more ways than she could ever imagine.
You've always wanted a big brother... right?
[AU of the Astro Boy/Tetsuwan Atom universe]