Chimon, a regular student who lives a regular life has a weird secret: when he dreams of someone dying, that person will really die in 10 days, and in the exact manner as how it happened in his dream.
But it's not something he talks about nor is proud of. For him, it was quite useless and depressing. When he was 11 years old, he dreamed about his grandfather dying of a heart attack and it truly happened. When he was 15, he also dreamed of his parents dying in a car crash and it happened too. It has only happened twice. And Chimon was convinced his weird dreams only applied to people he truly loved. So he promised that the next time he has a dream like that, he would do everything he can to prevent it from happening in real life.
Imagine how tormented he was when he dreamed of his new neighbor Pluem, who he hates immeasurably, committing suicide. He hated him to death. But he couldn't really just let him die.
Add to that the fact that Pluem seems to hate everyone, especially Chimon.
How can Chimon save him from dying in just 10 days?
Just a bunch of random drabbles~
The random plots which Grace's me in the middle of the night.
Stuck between Writing it down or sleeping.
(Mostly Huening kai centric)