Broken Promises (#4 in the 'Outcast' series)
35 جزء
undefined أجزاء إكمال The only way was out.
After nearly being killed by his own cousin in the middle of the cafeteria, Andy had just had enough. He just couldn't handle any more of the harassment he was getting at school, and the majority of it was all due to his cousin telling everyone that Andy was suicidal.
Attempting to take his life was the only way he could get out of it.
Ashley never got told that Andy nearly died, yet everyone, including Matt, already knew; Andy had broken his promise to Ashley.
Mike's parents won't even tell him anything about his brother's current condition after he tried at school and by the looks of it, he might have succeeded, and to make matters worse, Ronnie and Zacky have gone missing.
Will everyone manage to get through all of the current tragedies that life has thrown their way, and if so, will they manage to get to the other side stronger than before?
***Takes place just after 'Unbroken'***