8 parts Ongoing Synopsis:
In the aftermath of a brutal battle, the world lies in ruin-silent, godless, and drenched in sorrow. Among the wreckage, a lone child, barely clinging to life, searches desperately for his lost brother. What he finds instead is a nightmare, a tragedy too painful for words. As despair takes hold and the innocent suffer, the heavens remain cold and unyielding-until a god does the unthinkable.
For the first time in a millennium, a god weeps-a tear of divine essence that carries the weight of a prayer, breaking the sacred laws of the celestial realm. This single act, born of forbidden sorrow and hope, sets into motion a chain of events that will challenge the very fabric of the world.
But what could drive a god to break such a law? And what will be the cost of such a prayer? These are the questions left hanging in the balance, as the fate of the mortal and divine realms hangs on the edge of a golden tear.