So this is something I came up with when I was driving my mom to the airport to drop her off to fly out to her sister's for a bit (her husband, my uncle, recently passed away from cancer so she's moving back here with us since she's in a different state, to make a long story short) and this song came on. I know most songfics aren't worship songs, but the Duke family are Christians and so it's not that far off. If you don't like that idea, then you don't have to read it. But please be polite in the comments. There's no need to be rude just because you don't agree with the song and/or have a different religion. The song is Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) by Hillsong UNITED. I do not own it, pretty sure it was written after Dukes of Hazzard but I don't really care because I'm pretending the cousins wrote it. I do not own the song or the characters (good thing, otherwise I'd have both boys tied up somewhere without their pocketknives) and I know next to nothing about military operations and military funerals and pretty much anything military related. Everything I know comes from other fanfictions. Enjoy and keep it 'tween the ditches!All Rights Reserved