It was dark and cold, everything was fine at first, I'm walking in this familiar street, everything seems normal but the time flies so fast, the only thing I knew was my heart pounding rapidly, there's this feeling of urgency that I need to run. I started running and looking for someone whom I knew and very close to me, and then it hits me, deja Vu. And this was the street where I was running, searching, and looking for someone in my dreams before. The same street filled with overwhelming number of dogs, barking endlessly, and glaring at me with anger that gives shiever to my spine. I was scared but it didn't stop me to keep moving forward into the unknown. I was eager to keep going when someone held me in my shoulders, a strong grip that sending me assurance and as if telling me that I am not alone, he runs with me and help me search for them, he never leaves me, he stays by my side until we finally find them in the opposite side where we are standing. We stop running, We're about to go and meet them when he held my hand, his hand were as cold as ice yet it didn't bothers me. I smiled and the flower petals starts falling around us, the dark and freezing place becomes warm and bright that I can see the sunrays passing through the trees that I didn't notice before.
And everything disappeared when I opened my eyes. It was a dream... again but my hand... I can still feel the cold hand of the guy I'm with in my dreams. I can still feel it and it seems like I'm still holding him. Who is he? I know I knew him but I can't remember, not a single trace of his appearance, only his cold hand.