In about 1989, a mass of killings occurred. cause of death..? cyanide poisoning. Based in red he USA in the New York area.
detectives Edward Golden, and Thomas Rift, alongside their reporter and photographer, Mathew Love, were on the case of the mysterious killer, who was known for taking helpless homeless people, and inviting them in for a drink, where cyanide would be slipped into the beverage. once dead, this masked killer would slice them open, drain them of blood in the streets, before throwing them back in the gutters.
Follow Edward, Thomas, and Mathew as they try and catch this infamously strange killer, and learn just how the killer got his hands on such a.. deadly chemical.
في ظلِّ عـلاقـتـهـمـا الغير مُـتـزِنـة الّتي فجأة أضحَت على نحوٍ جـيـد هيَ أخـتـفَـت! ...
سافرَ لِأسبوعان و عاد مُتلهِفاً لِلُقياها و دفنِها داخِل أعـمـاقِـه ، لَكْنهُ لَم يُحقق مُـنـاه كونهُ شاهدَ منزلهُ خـالـيـاً مِـنـهـا و مِن جُلِّ ما يـخـصـهـا ...
و بعد بحثٍ مُكثف ، أتضح في قضيتها إنها هـارِبـة رفقة عَشيقها! .
𝐂𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐘:@kimrossy12
𝐒: 27/4/2024
𝐄: // // ////
•الرِواية بِقلمي و من تفكيري الخاص و إن وجدت المثل لها ، فَ هوَ مجرد تشابُه