Annabelle Roselynna DiCaprio was a sweet, innocent, navie girl with a child like imagination.With her 8 older brothers well, one her twinhe is older by 30 seconds.And her overprotective father who became more overprotective when her mother died.She always be shielded from life and hurt. But with jer family secret that's not the easiest thinig to do. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reece Antonio Moreite was the a aphla of the Red Blood pack the strongest in north America.With his ruthless farther he was always suppose to be the best. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MUST READ:THIS BOOK WILL CONTINUE ON A NEW ACCOUNT. STARTING FEBRUARY THE MONTH DO HAVE A DAY BUT YEAH IT WILL BE THEN. KNOW MORE LOOK ON MY POST BROAD ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ON BOTH ACCOUNTS: ciannej0311All Rights Reserved